Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Epiphany no. # 42

Yesterday was one of those days when a lashing rain dies off a slow death leaving its distant touch-and-trickle-on-your-forehead rain to do the rest of the damage - One of those days when TaTonyF rain doesn't bother the documents in your semi-water proof bag, and you are not on your way to an appointment where you have to look like you are just out of the showroom floor and can afford to enjoy the little joys of life. At around 10:30 in the night, I was walking from the St Marks - MG Road junction and was a couple of blocks away from Bartel Center when a maruti 800 whizzed past splashing rain water on both sides. Just a split second later, a tata sumo from the other side of the road tried taking a right turn, hit the maruti 800 with all its might. The car swerved, turned and stopped inches away from my leg, so close that I could feel the heat of the battered engine on my legs. Luckily, no one was hurt and the two drivers got down to start bickering in the middle of the road.

Once the excitement of watching a collision in such close quarters (so close that you actually feel it happening in slow motion as you stand there transfixed) died off, I was on my way again. It was only when I turned around and looked at the cars did I realize the gravity of the accident. The 800 was smashed badly, a side which bore the brunt had caved in; the doors were hanging loose and there were cracks on the window panes. Even the sumo had a flat nose - It was then I realized, I could have been dead that very second if their screeching brakes hadn't worked as well as they did. 3 inches - probably 4 was all the distance between me and that battered car. That realization, the trickling rain and the lone sidewalk - One of those subtle moments that you will remember for a long time to come :)

One of these days, I will tell you my 3 other near-death experiences which are definitely more interesting and exotic than being run over by an old maruti 800!

PS: Thanks to the lashing rain, the news (I talked of yesterday) shall be delayed by a day or two.


Blogger Avinash said...

Hey Rathu,

After reading the blog, i guess, U r lucky to survive a unimaginable Accident da..

Thank God..

1:38 PM  
Blogger dinesh said...


I came to your blog through Ramya's. Nice writing style !

I've had my share of close encounters as well. Kind of puts life in perspective, atleast for the next 1 hour or so.

9:06 PM  
Blogger Rathish said...

@Avinash - the best thing is I didn't realize it when it happened! Thank god for that coz I would freaked out and killed myself :)

@Dinesh - thanks Dinesh! It sure does put life in perspective.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Avinash said...

Yeah da... i agree.. becos most of the accidents get serious jus becos the ppl tend to panic.... U dint panic and u kept urself cool.....

7:39 AM  
Blogger Avinash said...

Yeah da... i agree.. becos most of the accidents get serious jus becos the ppl tend to panic.... U dint panic and u kept urself cool.....

7:39 AM  

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